Julian's Adventure In the Garden
Catalyst Arts Atlanta is commited to the Atlanta arts community, as part of that commitment we get out and support our local artists.
This week collective memeber Julian Verner stopped by the Woodruff for a reading of Amina McIntyre's In The Garden as part of Working Title Playwright's Ethel Woolson Lab.

The words flowed like honey, enveloping the audience and leaving them with the fragrence of the garden.
The playwright aimed to 'create a space where ritual,magical realism and romantic genres can come together to challange us to consider the prison and freedom of what we desire most' I would say she succeeded"-A. Julian Verner
IN THE GARDEN follows the conflict between siblings Shelly, a young and hidden away stepsister, and Benjamin, a worldly yet stifled by family obligations brother, over the possession and selling of the family home and garden. The issue becomes more complex when two potential buyers, Solomon and Sheba, work different angles to gain the land - only to be stopped by love and betrayal. Inspired by the biblical book Song of Songs, In the Garden explores human greed, insecurity and the desire to be accepted in our most natural form. Featuring: Anthony Goolsby, Jeff Lester, Yakini Horn, and Danye Brown. Directing: Nichole Palmietto Dramaturgy: Addae Moon